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McFadden: There is no need for divisive letters


Replying to the letter written by Mr. Simousiek (“Gathering did not represent community,” Sun City West Independent, July 15, 2020), I do not understand why you degrade people because they do not share the same political party or views on racism. Take a 21 day challenge to be an anti-racist. Read books on racism. Listen to podcast on racism. Educate yourself. Why do we attack each others political affiliation? Why can’t we respect each other for being Republican, Democrat or Independent? Why can’t we listen to each other? What has turned our nation into such a divided nation?

There was a day when people attended church in some places. They would go outside and have a picnic, watch a lynching and return to church services. We may not literally being doing that. Advice to racists: Be kind, love one another, take a look in the mirror, stop putting others down. Maybe Mr. Simousiek did not like seeing the four female protesters in Sun City West carrying signs to show support for Black Lives matter. The reference “4 old ladies and BM,” is satirical. Everyone in Sun Cities are older. Not everyone in Sun Cities shares the divisive viewpoint of Mr. Simousiek.

I live down the street where a neighbor has flown the confederate flag. Alongside it waves a tattered American flag. I know he has an untattered American flag. I have seen that flown too. Around the corner is where a Jewish synagogue was vandalized. A menorah outside was purposely broken. I say there are many people in the Sun Cities that rise above hateful political divisiveness and racism. I am disheartened by those who believe in hate and vindictive jargon. The letter is bothersome. The account is not accurate and disenfranchises values of the American public in general.

There are many Democrat and Republican clubs in the Sun Cities. If we have shared political views we support them. If someone starts a group online, more power to them.

After all, America affords us free speech. We are free to vote for our candidate of choice.

I ask this newspaper to print or share unbiased editorials. Both sides of the aisle should be honored.

It appears as we are retired we can do better then write snarky divisive letters to one another

Cindy Schaefer McFadden

Sun City West