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Hughes & Addis: Residents agree CC&Rs need followed


We are in total agreement with the recent letter (“SCHOA should clamp down on CC&Rs,” Sun City West Independent, Dec. 2, 2020) regarding the need to clamp down on CC&Rs to deal with excessive noise.

Recently we had to endure more than two weeks of screaming, shouting and noise from a neighbor. This noise happened every single day; it lasted from morning until well after dark. Evidently a neighbor had grandchildren who wanted to enjoy his pool. The children are not the issue. The issue is the lack of adult oversight to dampen down the noise.

We bought into Sun City West like most people do to enjoy a quiet lifestyle. This community’s major selling points are age restrictions and, hopefully, quiet lifestyle due to those age restrictions. If neighbors are not more considerate of each other and observant of rules, then this becomes just another neighborhood.

We all have nice backyards and want to enjoy the outdoors. But that’s hard to do when some neighbors don’t respect others who live around them. The only way to maintain home values in an age restricted community is to enforce the rules so that senior citizens continue to want to buy here.

Randy Hughes
Leslie Addis

Sun City West