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Burks: Manager needs to be replaced


I guess I can’t determine what the motivation of the article (“Top spots demand top pay,” Sun City West Independent, Aug. 25, 2021) was other than what the large statewide daily newspaper does on an annual basis but to talk about the salaries of the top corporate leaders of the largest companies in Phoenix, which is fun to see but have no influence to change.

I think it’s something different than that. Consequently, I have to believe its all about raising the salaries of the Sun City West management team. Well, if your motivation is that and our current general manager is lobbying for a big increase, you are promoting the wrong leader.

Bill Schwind had no qualifications for the position he holds today and needs to be replaced for a qualified large scale property manager, which I agree will cost money, but in the long run, benefit the entire community.                                                                                                                                     

This is not a difficult job as you compared it to city managers in many of these municipalities. Half of the community is vacant for 50% of the year and the dynamics and its operation don’t change much, other than the board squabbling and creating political challenges. But for the most part, someone with any ability to lead and work with these similar groups can do well. Bill does not have the emotional intelligence to manage as demonstrated numerous times.

So, if your motivation was to grease the wheel for Bill, and your brave enough to print this, hopefully we can move past any consideration Bill has whipped up with Suzanne Fitzsimons to get him a raise and we look forward to finding a qualified manager to lead our community to the new horizons it should be addressing.

Terry Burks

Sun City West