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A bit of History RE: Surprise Billboards on the 303


A recent opinion note from Mike Colvin “Making government work for you” regarding the billboards on Loop 303 north of Sun City West struck a nerve. There is a bit of history related to those billboards that may be of interest. The billboards originally were proposed to be on the west side of Surprise, but resident complaints caused the council to move them to the current location on the north side, opposite Sun City West and Corte Bella.
On behalf of our residents PORA, the Property Owners and Residents Association joined with Corte Bella to oppose the billboards. During the months of August, September and October 2022, I attended several Surprise City Council meetings and voiced our opposition to the billboards including a resolution from the PORA board of directors. Likewise the citizens of Corte Bella did the same.
These passionate appeals were ignored and the council at the Oct. 19, 2022, meeting approved three signs with five yes votes, one no vote and one excused vote. I am surprised Mr. Colvin had to complain about the brightness of the billboards because the presentations from the contractor in 2022 clearly stated they would dim at 8 p.m. and turn off at 11 p.m. Sorry to hear he had to go to such lengths to get this straightened out. We tried.

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