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Witt: Responsibility for abortions should shift to men


I would like to offer a suggestion for those wanting a solution to the abortion dilemma. The responsibility has been on women for ages. Let's take the focus off women and put the focus and responsibility on men, who are the ones that impregnate us in the first place. 

Let’s, as a state, offer a sterile pill to men that provides birth control for one year or more, or a vasectomy, their choice.

If they get a women pregnant, give both partners the option of either one or both keeping the baby or putting the baby up for adoption if both or their families do not want the baby. 

Both partners then pay for the cost of adoption fees and are responsible for child support to the one who keeps the child and raises it until adult age. 

Both have legal rights unless deemed unfit to parent. Abortion then is a medical emergency that puts the mother or child at risk. 

Editor’s note: Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.