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Wheat: Keep busy to stay healthy in Sun City


Here is a tip from one resident to another.

Let me tell you, I’m a pretty lazy guy and if I can find a way to do something easy, I will.

I like to start my day by doing something, so I feel it’s worth an accomplishment. If I can accomplish something every day, I feel good about myself and I want you to feel good about yourself. That is why I am passing this on. Everything I mention in the following paragraphs are jobs that my wife and I have done and how we did them and the process works out well.

I was thinking about this today as I was washing a couple of my outside windows. I’m only washing a couple because it does get hot even in the early morning and it wears me out. But, and I say but because at the very least I did get two windows washed, before the end of the week I will have washed all of them. I know that is not Earth shaking, but it is an accomplishment and aren’t we all about accomplishments? We all love to tell everybody we know what we have done in our lives; I think that’s why we carry a library of our children’s pictures on our phones. That is why most conversations start with, “I.” We have known people in our lives that that is their favorite word.

So, enough of that. The reason I’m writing this letter is to make you feel better about yourselves and accomplishments always do just that.

I know it is hard to sit down to make the decision to wash/wax your car or dust your house or do that job of getting rid of the weeds. You can hire people to do this job for you, but you’re not going to feel a lot better, and on top of this it is going to cost you money. Let me suggest washing or waxing a part of your car today, maybe just a fender and tomorrow another fender. Eventually before you realize it the whole car has been washed/waxed and you feel good about it. It wasn’t that hard.

How about dusting? You don’t have to dust the whole room, perhaps just the dresser or a lamp; tomorrow the end tables. By the end of the week, the entire room has been dusted. You are not worn out; you have dusted the whole room and you feel good about it.

Same thing with the weeds. Pick an area, just work on a particular area; tomorrow pick another area and before you know it the entire yard is weedless. You haven’t worked that hard and for now your yard looks good, you did it and saved yourself some money.

So turn off the TV or the smartphone and spend 15 or 20 minutes tackling some job you have been putting off, and before you know it, it’s done.