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Thomas: Glad to be free of political sign pollution


On June 26 I breathed a huge sigh of relief as I crossed into Fountain Hills and left behind the visual assault on Shea. Then I read Nancy Plencner’s letter in that day’s paper.

Ms. Plencner stated, “I recently drove through Scottsdale, Paradise Valley and Phoenix. Along every major thoroughfare were hundreds of candidate signs staked out for the July 30 primary election. This is how we elect our leaders with open, free political expression.”

Voters, not signs, elect candidates. If a voter uses only signs to determine their vote, that is an uninformed vote.

Ms. Plencner continued, “But in Fountain Hills the town once again has its code enforcement officers busily removing signs. Nowhere along the miles of major streets through our town do we see political signs. In Fountain Hills, your sign is taken down if improperly placed.”

The prohibition on signs along our major streets was authorized by ARS 16-1019, enacted by Republicans. Our sign-free zones were created by Resolution 2012-31, enacted when Linda Kavanagh was mayor.

I thank and applaud Code Enforcement staff for enforcing the town’s sign regulations, particularly the sign-free zones. Imagine, Code Enforcement actually enforcing Town Code! Aren’t Republicans the supposed party of law and order? Or does that apply only to laws they like?

political signs