I was on the SAC for Mountain View Recreation Center. The committee was charged to recommend alternatives to Option 2, designed by CCBG Architects, Inc. and approved by the previous board.
Karen McAdam tried to push her pickleball agenda until we asked Norm Dickson to lead the meetings. There were more pickleball players on the SAC than any other club, so it was tough to find a common ground on what was best for Sun City.
The last board had ASU conduct a survey of activities in Sun City. Dancing, which when combined represents one of the most popular activities here, wasn’t included. Some members wrote dancing on their surveys, but that wasn’t an accurate reflection of dancing’s popularity here.
SAC continued looking at other plans then voted to present two at town hall meetings. Two more that included the elimination of other activities for more pickleball courts were added without SAC approval. The pickleball plans were voted down and the SAC determined that Plan M provided all the pickleball courts needed.
Everyone on the SAC has a lot of respect for Norm Dickson. His only agenda is to do what is in the best interest of Sun City. It was a shock when he was removed as town hall meetings chair and replaced by Steve Oaks, who pushed his plans and pickleball.
When Sun City was built, dancing was one of the most popular things to do and that has not changed. Dance clubs use Sundial Recreation Center on Friday and Saturday evenings.
Several people have mentioned the Performing Arts Center should be located at Sundial. How would that be possible when it’s in use every Friday and Saturday evening all year long?
Sundial is the only floor that works for dance clubs because of the size and the wood floor. The only flat space with a stage for a large group is Sundial Auditorium. The other flat space with a stage is at Mountain View, but the tile floor does not work for dancers and causes a lot of pain with potential injury.
The PAC should be built at Mountain View as the SAC recommended. That should be approved and stop this delay; they have waited long enough. This entire project has been on hold because Pickleball Club members want to get their way.
The board has the responsibility to act in the best interest of all residents of Sun City, not a single group.
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