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Seideman: Case rates are not best COVID stats


This is from a long-term, all year Sun City resident.

The research says the death rate from COVID-19 is .4% worldwide and is appearing the same in the states. In the meantime, the case rate is of interest only to medical personnel, not the rest of us. Case rates and numbers is fear porn. What the average guy needs is COVID hospitalization rates, ICU rates, numbers, demographics and COVID death rates, numbers and demographics. Just tell us who is in the hospital, and who dies (age and medical condition). These are the curves that we need to flatten. Give us this data for the Sun Cities.

On another note, have you noticed that dead bodies and attempted suicides in the Sun Cities are up? A few years ago we’d read in the Independent about a dead body found and a couple weeks later we’d read about an attempted suicide. Now we read 2-4 dead and a couple attempted suicides each week. Sense a story here?

Also, many of us did not retire to the Sun Cities to relax, we came to work physically, to stay alive. We came because the gyms gave us a place to work when the heat was up. But now? Staying in shape means health; being denied that means slow death, and I feel it. The gyms need to open up.

Study up on mask effectiveness (based on droplet infection rates-one drop to sicken or 500), distancing three feet vs. six feet like the EU, and how Sweden is doing since they never closed down.

Bottom line? Coronavirus is like the flu but transmitability is higher. Its going to be here, get used to it.