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Oudenhoven: Mask wearing is supported by science


This is in response to the opinion from Bruce Lamb (“Some employees don’t live in Sun City,” Sun City Independent, April 28, 2021).

Bruce, I too am tired of the pandemic. But science is science. You wanting to not wear a mask should not supersede my right of good public health measures. I go to the gym at the rec centers five days per week; I have experienced a person wearing a mask with his nose not covered, and began having a coughing fit. I will not go to the gym if you are allowed to have your “personal freedom” and wear no mask. Nor will many people.

I wipe down every machine after I use it, to protect my fellow Sun City neighbors. Showing people you care about their health might be what we need right now.

Lifting the state mandate on masks by the governor is done for political and economic reasons. Helping protect each other from this terrible pandemic should be for a moral reason. Our front line workers also deserve us to do better.