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Metoxen: Why is tennis limited to single play in Sun City?


Just sitting and wondering if any Recreation Centers of Sun City board members have tried playing singles tennis in 85 degree heat, or worse, for more than 10 minutes.

The area of a tennis court is approximately double that of a pickleball court. If my second-grade math serves me well, double the size of an area should accommodate twice the number of players while maintaining a safe distance. Why then is tennis in Sun City restricted to singles? This essentially eliminates the activity for many our age.

I will even venture to say the distance between two doubles players in tennis is usually greater than the separation between pickleball players. Pickleball has the luxury of indoor play when outside conditions become oppressive. Meanwhile, my partner and I, plus several others in Sun City, have been traveling to a large public facility for doubles tennis, at a fee of course. This facility has remained open throughout the pandemic without any issues.

So give us a break, RCSC. In the words of the legendary John McEnroe, “You cannot be serious!”