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Landesman: Residents should decide what to include in Sun City amenities


I moved to Sun City March 13 this year so am not quite sure what the real issue is about (“RCSC board ejects survey,” Sun City Independent, May 12, 2021) but — and there is always a but.

It would seem that the residents should submit what they would be interested in and pick the top 10 and let the residents vote on their favorite. Maybe that is what has been done. Does the board really want outside information?

My big bone of contention and that of many others is the $496 per year household fee. The fees should be per person not household. Households of two usually have a larger income and why should the single individual who has less pay more? I would imagine the upkeep of the golf courses eats up a lot of the money with water and maintenance. Charge them twice as much.

Question No. 1 should be, “Would you like to see the fee structure changed to individual vs. household?” Aye or Nay.

Let’s pretend we are a democracy where majority rules.