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Ladera: Show you care, check on resident with Sun City flag


This is in response to a letter (“U.S. banner should not be upside down,” Sun City Independent, Aug. 5, 2020) by Carole Meyers.

If you were so concerned about the health and wellbeing of the person in the home where the flag was flying upside down, you would not be writing an letter but would have taken immediate action to make sure the situation was not an emergency. Did you call 911 or the Posse? No, because you know the person was expressing their freedom of speech in a passive-aggressive manner. You wrote your letter to create political drama because you don’t think we have enough already.

As you indicated, flying the flag upside down is a signal of dire distress, extreme danger to life or property. Not sure where you have been, but presently, and for the last 3.5 years, we have been in dire distress and there is extreme danger to our lives and our country as a whole. 

Flying the United States flag upside down is not illegal, although it can be considered disrespectful depending on your perspective. The Supreme Court ruled that burning the flag, flying the flag upside down, wearing the flag or desecrating the flag with the image of president 45, an autocrat wannabe, superimposed on it, are all considered an expression of freedom of speech.

Go ahead and exercise your freedom of speech. Just don’t forget that freedom of speech applies to all of us, at least for now. Another four years of the current president could be the end of that, among other freedoms. Vote Nov. 3 like the Constitution depends on it. Because it does.

Teri Ladera

Sun City