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Kepler: If not happy with community, run for board in Sun City


I am going to try and cover letters from the last several weeks.

To the writer ranting about people being lemmings after having gone to government schools, even managing to slide in an attack from the “leftist media,” there is no doubt he listens to FOX News and the right wing hacks. Maybe he didn’t realize that 7.6 million World War II veterans took advantage of the GI Bill, most going to so-called government schools. Were they not referred to as the greatest generation?

Then there was a implication because of the current crisis it’s somehow not okay to keep your yard up in Sun City during these times. What does one have to do with the other? Letting your yard look bad is no excuse. In fact, most of us have had more time on our hands with closures and such.

Let’s be honest, if your yard is full of weeds, most likely the property owner left to go back north early and did not schedule yard maintenance or are lazy. We all knew (or should have) about the CC&Rs when we purchased a home here and there wasn’t a clause for “any excuse will do” for not maintaining your property.

I would like to bring up the letters to people who somehow connected the auto insurance refund with RCSC properties. First, there were the “vote them all out next time,” referring to the board of directors. Maybe the writer didn’t notice that the last election every candidate was elected because the board had as many openings as candidates. If you are so fired up to remove the board, then run for the office.

Next there are a few who feel cheated by not getting a refund of some sort. The RCSC employees were paid during the closures. The buildings still had to be maintained. Outside contractors still had ongoing maintenance projects to perform. Utilities, taxes and expenses still had to be paid.

Then it was asked what was the board doing not getting employee safety equipment earlier. Maybe you forgot that states, cities and hospitals did not have enough supplies. Now how far up the list did Sun Cities need to come in?

If all you can do is complain, then I have a suggestion — you can run for a seat on the board, or you can move. Remember what they told protesters, “Love it or leave it.”