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Kepler: Do not vote for those non-listeners


Those who regularly read the Sun City Independent know how Sun City Home Owners Association fought these (wastewater) increases, spending more than $100,000 appealing the decision of the Arizona Corporation Commission.

Residents went to these meetings and stated why this was unfair and not necessary to raise our rates in consolidation.

Here are the facts. There are five ACC commissioners, four Republicans and one Democrat. Sandra Kennedy is the Democrat; Lea Marquez Peterson, Boyd Dunn, Bob Burns (chairman) and Justin Olson are the Republicans. Now, it’s not my place to tell you how each member voted; do some research.

However, in the next election if you want change you better not re-elect those same board members who refused to listen to our arguments against EPCOR’s consolidation.

The Arizona Court of Appeals, in a 2-1 majority, ruled that once these ACC commissioners pass a rate increase or change, that’s the way it is.

I don’t care if you are a Republican or a Democrat, but a majority of these members voted against us on the consolidation and resulting water/sewer increases. If you want change, then a majority of these commissioners need to be replaced and that can only happen when you vote.