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If you enjoy Sun City, attend RCSC’s annual membership meeting


Are there any Sun City property owners who care about the hundreds of thousands of dollars you have invested to buy property in Sun City? Then the annual Recreation Centers of Sun City membership meeting at the Sundial Rec Center at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 11 needs to be a standing-room-only packed house.

If you expect Sun City to remain the pretty darn nice community we all enjoy, then it is your responsibility as an RCSC member to show some interest, some support and participate in the meeting. The 6 p.m. start time is late enough for those who work to attend. 

Every one of us is pretty good at pointing out the financial problems and suspect decisions made by the RCSC board and general manager. We all see the disorganized mess, the board's unwillingness to make corrections and the lack of financial transparency the board and general manager hold over the membership.

Now is the time for the RCSC membership to back up those complaints with constructive ideas and guidance that lead to solutions. And the March 11 RCSC meeting at Sundial is a good place to start. Keep in mind, RCSC solutions are not someone else’s job to make sure you are happy. The solutions are your responsibility and the responsibility of every other property owner who wish to protect their investment in Sun City. 

So, what’s it going to be? Is Sun City going to be a cohesive group of property owners who care enough about good RCSC governance and protecting the financial investment we made in this community, or will Sun City be a fractured group of complaining property owners who expect “someone else” to fix the problems so they don’t have to do anything?

Attendance at the March 11 meeting at Sundial will answer those questions. Registration starts at 5 p.m.

Please send your comments to AzOpinions@iniusa.org. We are committed to publishing a wide variety of reader opinions, as long as they meet our Civility Guidelines.

Recreation Centers of Sun City, RCSC, membership meeting, annual meeting

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