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Dick: Local reps deserve respect


Mr. Shaw, your disgust with both Sen. Rick Gray and Rep. Kevin Payne (“Reader admits making error,” Sun City Independent, Feb. 3, 2021) is completely out of place.

These men are both honorable, hard working gentlemen. Both of these men are trying to restore voter confidence in our election processes. Seventy-four million people voted for President Donald Trump — 77% of Republican voters and 35% of Independent voters believe there was widespread fraud in the November elections. You, Mr. Shaw, obviously don’t give a rip about fair and honest elections or you, too, would be concerned.

Judging by your letters, your main concern is electing Democrats when it should be uniting this deeply divided nation. Reuniting this country is what both Gray and Payne are trying to do.

Furthermore, Mr. Shaw, it not a waste of money to prove or disprove election fraud. At this time it is the proper use of public funds, unlike the D.C. Democrats funding a $1.9 trillion slush fund last week.

The Maricopa county Board of Supervisors will probably be recalled by Republicans, not because they are Republican, rather, because of their inexplicable failure to perform the basic functions of elected leadership. 

To conclude with a gentle reminder. Please purchase and use a dictionary. Look up the words seditious and riot. Perhaps then you will understand their meaning.

L. Dick

Sun City