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Crowell: Sun City CC&Rs too vague, allow underaged


Mike Rolph wrote a great opinion piece (“Some residents not eligible to live here,” Sun City Independent, April 27, 2022) regarding the ambiguous CC&Rs of Sun City that allow underaged people to live within the community.

Earlier in the week, I’d left a message for Sun City Home Owners Association that a home in my neighborhood(in Sun City) had just been sold to an older gentleman who told his neighbors that he’d bought the house for his children (in their 40s) and that he may visit once a year or so. I presumed because his name is on the paperwork, no one will be the wiser.

When SHOA returned my call this morning, I was more than disappointed at the weak and insipid response i got.

“Well, i guess I can go over there, but if i knock on the door and they don’t answer, i don’t know what I can do. The CC&Rs are written in a way that allows people like this to slip through the cracks.”

To which i replied, “What will it take to strengthen and rewrite this portion of the CC&Rs?”

“Well, that’s a difficult situation and probably won’t be solved in our lifetime,” was his response.

Are you kidding me? So we’re doomed to become another Youngtown? People, go to every SCHOA meeting you can go to, make your voices known now! Tell SCHOA employees to support us and preserve our beautiful Sun City.

This is heartbreaking!