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Cottrell: Living on course not what expected in Sun City


Just because you’re teeing off doesn’t mean you need to tee me off.

We enjoy living in Sun City. However, being situated on the golf course is not as pleasant as we’d imagined. Our home is situated right at a tee, which means we are in very close proximity to the many golfers and their conversations, comments and unnecessary expletives on a regular basis. Whether coming in through our windows or as we sit out to enjoy the day, we are assaulted with speech not befitting an afternoon on the course.

We have seen golf clubs raised and swung in anger, clubs thrown in the air, watched many a golfer stomp away to their cart and listened to vulgar and foul language far too often. These behaviors are adult temper tantrums and serve no purpose.

When common spaces lose their appeal because some users disregard others then behaviors need to be looked at. If a behavior needs to be modified because it is offensive to someone else, then modify. I have yet to meet someone who likes witnessing such behaviors or hearing the offensive expletives we are constantly subject to. The golfers then go on their way, while we are left with the sting and lingering effects of their rants.

If you are a golfer, please consider the impacts your behaviors have on those in our community who are not golfers. Have a good round but please consider how your reactions to a poor shot takes its toll on those of us just trying to enjoy the day.