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Brouch: Sun City resident refutes some statements


I would like to refute statements made in the article (“Resident wants Wilson recalled,” Sun City Independent, Nov. 17, 2021).

The statements are, “RCSC board must approve petitions” and “...according to corporate documents the board can stop the effort before it starts by rejecting the request.”

A simple reading of Bylaws Article IX does not give the board the authority to reject a recall petition request if it fulfills the basic requirements of name and reason, as specified in paragraph 2. Paragraph 3 (precise language) only applies to referendum petitions and paragraph 4 (accept or reject) only applies to initiative petitions. In fact, Articles of Incorporation, Article IX, Section B, simply states the petitioner only need file a petition with required number of signatures; there are no hoops to jump through and the board has no say in any of it.

It defies every fiber of common sense and ethics for a board to stop a recall election. The fact that the board has tried to stop this is just more glaring examples of self-interest and abuse of power to add to the list of reasons for Ms. Wilson’s recall. Ironic? It really is a shame Ms. Wilson has never tried to simply work with the ever-growing number of members who find her actions unacceptable.

The best thing for the corporation and the community is for her to resign so that we can get back to being positive and working together.