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Beaton: Confederate banner stands for 1 thing


The Confederate flag means different things to different people (“Confederate flag means different things to different people,” Sun City Independent, Oct. 2, 2019) is true.

The Confederate flag represents the Confederate States and Article 1 Section 9(4) of the Confederate constitution clearly states the intent of that representation. “Article I Section 9(4) No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed.”

Anyone’s political or philosophical belief that is based on irritating someone supports my belief that the rebel flag is the flag of anger and ignorance. The flag is used to present a boastful and arrogant opinion that is meant to force a reaction.

Fly your flag. Isolate yourself from your community. Believe that slavery and the historical mistreatment of U.S. citizens of African ancestry can be boiled down to “revisionist” and live in a world that will always be an empty and divisive experience.

That’s what the flag of an enemy nation means to me.

Kelly Beaton

Sun City