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Together we can win any ‘war’


Here are my thoughts on this horrific illness that is wrecking the entire world’s population. By the end of 2019, the market was up to historic levels. Many jobs to be had, the unemployment was at one of the lowest in years. Everyone was happy and in their own little worlds.

As usual, everyone only thought of themselves. There was not time to think of others. How could there be with homes having one or two working parents? Then there was schooling for the children, sports, dance, religious school, homework, sleepovers, etc. There was barely enough time to enjoy family time.

And of course, cell phones, computers, TV, Netflix, the list goes on and on. Oh, the stress.

Remember when families used to eat together, enjoy each other’s company and laughed? Those times are long forgotten.

Close your eyes and what do you see? Perhaps grandma making her famous cookies, or mom hanging up the wash. Dad coming home from work and everyone running over to give him a hug. TV was never on during dinner, and if you were lucky, you had a phone in your apartment. Even though, we shared the phone with party liners.

Look around you, what don’t you see? Monarch butterflies dying out by the millions, species of birds that die each year due to ingesting pesticides. Poaching of defenseless animals in the wild, and for what? Their tusks, horns, hides.

Pollution has become a major threat to our climate. Warming of the Earth’s oceans, drought, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc., all play a part in wrecking the world’s beauty. The polar bears that may die off because Hudson Bay may not freeze over for the bears to hunt for their food. This list goes on and on.

Garbage. What can we do about the garbage that is everywhere?

We can complain, we see it right in front of our eyes, but what about the sea creatures who can’t understand why they get caught in nets, or the plastic that keeps the “four or six” pack together? Left on the beach for the tide to drift it out to sea. Thrown overboard by careless people.

Are they aware that our coral reefs are endangered as well? Some of the most beautiful reefs have already died out, and in turn, many fish species have already disappeared from our oceans.

So, the coronavirus is devastating to all humans. There is a war going on, and I hope that we can win this one.

When you know who your enemy is, you can see its strengths and weaknesses. This war is like a Syfy movie. We don’t know where it has come from, we can’t see it, so how do we avoid it?
Does it have any weaknesses? So far, we haven’t found any. This war may kill more people than all the wars before it.

I have to think that there is something or someone greater than all of us. Whether you believe in my theory or not, we are being warned, and so far, we dismiss everything that is happening right before our eyes.

Strangely enough, the air pollution over some places in China has gone down enough to actually see the city from the satellites orbiting around earth, this can only be credited to the lack of emissions from cars, buses, planes, etc .

Don’t get me wrong: I am just as frightened as the next person.

I pray for the safety of our doctors, nurses, police and our military. I wish them strength in this fight.

We must work together, now, and always to keep this planet, this orb, this most special place in all the universe healthy and then we can win any war.

To my children and grandchildren: It is up to you.

Marilyn Newberg is a Surprise resident.