Drawing inspiration from the tales of King Arthur, "Camelot" by Lerner and Loewe emerges as an enchanting theatrical marvel that captivated Broadway audiences with its unforgettable original run, eventually leading to a cinematic adaptation and multiple revivals worldwide. The show's Original Broadway Cast Album remained a chart-topping phenomenon for 60 weeks, featuring a splendid collection of musical treasures like "If Ever I Would Leave You," "I Loved You Once in Silence," "The Lusty Month of May," and the iconic title song, "Camelot."The narrative centers around a hopeful, young King Arthur who dreams of founding a realm rooted in the principles of honor and dignity, symbolized by his Knights of the Round Table. However, Arthur's noble aspirations are put to the test as his beloved queen, Guenevere, embarks on a romantic affair with the gallant Knight Lancelot, putting the future of the kingdom in jeopardy.March 12th, 13th, 15th, 16th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd 7PMMarch 17th, 21st, 24th at 2PMIn addition to the performances, Theatre West is offering a special wine and cheese reception following the shows March 15 and 24. This gathering will provide audiences an opportunity to discuss the show, meet with cast members and enjoy a selection of fine wines and cheeses.