It was really disappointing to see this week’s opinion page for several reasons.
First, I immediately have gone to the letters when I receive the paper. I find it hard to believe in this community where we aren’t afraid to state our opinions, that you had no letters to publish.
Secondly, although Tom Tripp is probably a very nice person, not everyone shares his beliefs.
I have no problem with his previous columns whether they are free or advertorials which he paid to publish. I do, however disagree with giving him a full page to write telling everyone to “chose God.”
As an former employee of your publication, I can recall numerous conversations with your CEO (and my friend) about the continual efforts that are made to keep the Independent unbiased whether on political or religious topics. I agree with those efforts and feel this week’s opinion page failed in that regard.
There are many churches and a synagogue in this community and I would suggest just as many opinions about God. There are also people in this community who have no religious affiliation. Mr. Tripp’s opinion may be valid in the minds of many, but that doesn’t mean it belongs on the Opinion page unless the Independent is now endorsing that opinion. If that is the case you should just come out and say so.
Editor’s note: The Sun City West Independent does not endorse any opinion that appears on the Opinion page. We offer the right for anyone to write us each week, and we work to make sure all of the local opinions we received in that week are run. If anyone disagrees with a letter that appears, they are free to respond, but we ask that all letters keep the discussion civil in accordance with our Civility Checklist.
Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at