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Keyword: guidelines

Scottsdale seeking input on changes to Old Town plan

Residents with an opinion of what Old Town Scottsdale should look like will get their chance to voice those thoughts this week. The city is holding open houses for residents to share their opinions …

Scottsdale Water kicks off summer watering guidance

Scottsdale Water is sending out irrigation guidance to residents and businesses – desert landscape should be watered no more than twice a week. Landscape should also be watered after 7 p.m. and …

Mesa pursues architectural panache

Subdivisions with homes on 2,500 square feet — such as on a 50-foot-by-50-foot lot — will need to meet new single-residence development standards under plans being discussed by Mesa city …

Face masks will stay in Peoria Unified

Face masks are not going away for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year in Peoria Unified School District.

Southwest Valley schools react to new CDC guidelines

New coronavirus guidance issued March 19 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention allows schools to seat masked-up students 3 feet apart instead of 6 feet in classrooms, but that doesn’t mean local administrators are throwing caution to the wind, especially in middle and high schools.

Updated guidelines for dispensing opioids in Arizona

By Cecilia Chan Independent Newsmedia With over two people a day dying from an opioid overdose in Arizona — the majority of it from prescription painkillers, state health officials have …

Updated guidelines for dispensing opioids in Arizona

By Cecilia Chan Independent Newsmedia With over two people a day dying from an opioid overdose in Arizona — the majority of it from prescription painkillers, state health officials have …