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Keyword: breach

Data breach at Department of Education traced back to …

PHOENIX — A data breach that allowed a parent to see information about other parents getting vouchers can be traced back to the actions of a now-resigned employee of the state Department of Education, according to a new report.

Were you affected by the Equifax data breach? Claims …

People can now check if they were affected by one of the biggest data breaches in the U.S., as well as file a claim if they were affected. Click here to find out if your information was impacted …

DATA BREACH: Time to take some responsibility

The June 2016 Banner Health data breach of 3.7 million confidential patient records occurred over two years ago. However, Banner Health has not been held accountable for their negligence. Banner …

DATA BREACH: Time to take some responsibility

The June 2016 Banner Health data breach of 3.7 million confidential patient records occurred over two years ago. However, Banner Health has not been held accountable for their negligence. Banner …