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Keyword: melanoma

New melanoma treatment records success in HonorHealth …

For the first time in Arizona, a patient with extensive melanoma cancer was successfully treated outside a clinical trial at HonorHealth Research Institute with a new type of immunotherapy known as tumor infiltrating lymphocytes.

Scottsdale-based HonorHealth to offer T cell immune …

HonorHealth Research Institute, 10510 N. 92nd St., No. 200, plans to offer a potentially revolutionary T cell drug — approved by the FDA to be safe and effective — to treat melanoma that …

Melanoma cases are spiking in Arizona, and because of …

The Valley famously has one of the most sun-kissed climates in the world. Residents make their peace with extreme summertime heat by appreciating a flip side all too rare in other parts of the country — year-round opportunities to enjoy the outdoors, especially during milder months.