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Keyword: Technology

UPDATE: Another high-tech company could be coming to …

The city of Peoria may have landed another post-fab service provider as part of the burgeoning semiconductor supply chain forming in the north Valley.

Blood test technology for astronauts could be an asset …

Technology designed to conduct simple-to-take blood tests for astronauts in the near-weightlessness of low Earth orbit may soon help HonorHealth Research Institute to speed up diagnoses of patients here on the planet’s surface.

Smart technology helps Valley cities save water

Smart technology seems ubiquitous these days, from homes to cars and everything in between.

Amkor expected to receive up to $600M in federal …

A microchip packaging and testing plant planned for the Vistancia commercial core in north Peoria is about to get a boost of funding from the federal government.

Health care cyberattacks on the rise, experts advise …

Hackers remain a problem for all industries that rely on computer systems, but health care providers are particularly at risk based on the latest trends, with experts warning clinics and hospitals — including those in the Valley and Arizona — of the best ways to protect themselves.

Arizona schools combat phone use in the classroom

PHOENIX – As a middle school teacher, Dana Ramos didn’t restrict cell phone use in her classroom. Now, as principal of Lowell Elementary School, a K-8 school in Phoenix, Ramos has …

Scottsdale’s Farah Ahamed named to dean’s list

Farah Ahamed, of Scottsdale, was named to the dean’s list at Rochester Institute of Technology for the spring semester of the 2023-2024 academic year. Ahamed is in the new media design program. …

Scottsdale residents earns BFA

Mason Leposavic of Scottsdale graduated from Rochester Institute of Technology, in Rochester, New York, with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in new media design. Nearly 4,500 degrees were conferred in …

Amkor seeking foreign trade zone status for new Peoria …

Amkor Technology is submitting an application to the federal government to establish a foreign trade zone for its future north Peoria location.

HonorHealth first to implant new stroke prevention …

A patient at HonorHealth Research Institute is one of the nation’s first — and the first in Arizona and the Southwest — to undergo a non-surgical, catheter-based procedure with a new type of stroke-prevention stent that eliminates blockages in neck arteries that could cause a deadly stoke by depriving the brain of oxygen.

HonorHealth is first in the state to use 3D …

HonorHealth, a healthcare system serving more than five million people in the greater Phoenix and Scottsdale areas, is the first healthcare system in Arizona to use Fiber Optic RealShape technology to treat patients with complex aortic aneurysms. 

Peoria aims to make water meters smarter

Smart technology seems ubiquitous these days. Now it could be coming to home and business water meters throughout Peoria, which officials say, will help conserve water and provide other benefits to the city.