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Guest Commentary

LaPorte, Neil: Supporting SUSD override is investment in community, school success


As the largest employer in Scottsdale, HonorHealth values and appreciates the role quality schools play in our community. We know firsthand that our K-12 schools not only educate our students, but also contribute to the strength of our economy.

HonorHealth relies on quality schools to produce a well-educated workforce. A strong workforce is critical to the future success and growth of our community. The children in our schools today are our future healthcare workers, entrepreneurs, community leaders, and teachers themselves.

We’ve been proud to partner with Scottsdale Unified School District for many years on STEM programs for students and teachers, as we are committed to continuing to invest in our younger generation.

Like businesses throughout the country, SUSD is dealing with increased supply costs and critically important technology updates. The requested increase in the District Additional Assistance is directly related to increased costs for supplies and materials that SUSD is facing.

Additional funds are now needed to replace, repair and update items purchased with District Additional Assistance funds, including one-to-one technology, such as laptops, licenses, subscriptions, supplies and capital items.

Strong healthcare systems and schools are fundamental to the infrastructure of our community. Please join us in voting “yes” on the SUSD District

Additional Assistance Override. It is a critical investment in the long-term health and success of our schools and local community.

Editor’s Note: Todd LaPorte is CEO of HonorHealth; John Neil, MD is chief physician executive and network strategy office for HonorHealth. The Independent welcomes all points of view. Email your opinions, pro or con, to AzOpinions@iniusa.org.