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Germek: Strong leadership, courage needed from city leader


The Federal Government has advised no gatherings of more than 10; the state government has ordered the closing of bars and restaurants of any county with a confirmed case of the virus.

Arizona State University has closed its doors and is removing students from the dorms.

This is a national emergency and Scottsdale Mayor Lane could not find the personal courage required of a leader to act, probably fearing some political backlash. Mayor Lane tried to pass the buck to the Scottsdale City Manager to make the decisions and to take needed actions.

The actions of Mayor Lane do not bode well for Scottsdale as the virus ramps up. Mayor Lane aspired to a position of leadership, but he has not exhibited leadership.

I think it is time for the citizens of Scottsdale to recognize that we need strong leadership and courage from our mayor in these difficult times.

In the words of Leopold Emery to the leader of his country at the beginning another worldwide crisis, “You have sat too long here for any good you have been doing! Depart, I say, and let us have done with you! In the name of God, go!”

Editor’s Note: AJ Germek is a Scottsdale resident.