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Delta Dental of Arizona earns Center of Excellence certification for 10th year


Scottsdale’s Delta Dental of Arizona has earned the Center of Excellence certification by BenchmarkPortal for the tenth year in a row.

According to a press release, the certification is earned based on best-practice metrics drawn from a large database of “objective” and “quantitative” data audited and validated by researchers from BenchmarkPortal.

“This certification attests to the fact that contact center leaders have successfully balanced efficiency and effectiveness in their operations,” said Bruce Belfiore, CEO, Benchmark Portal. “By optimizing their cost components and their ability to satisfy customers, they exemplify best practices in a very important sector.”

BenchmarkPort only awards the “Center of Excellence” designation to customer service centers that rank in the top 10% of centers surveyed demonstrating superior performance on both cost-related metrics and quality-related metrics.

“I am extremely proud – but certainly not surprised – that our dedicated, caring customer care team has maintained this level of excellence for a decade,” said Zach Washut, director of operations at Delta Dental of Arizona. “This recognition is a testament to and reaffirms our commitment to providing a path to better health and wellness across Arizona.”