Come join Roger Merritt and our local up and coming gifted Artists at the Faust Gallery for a rare opportunity to mingle with the Artist while sipping *Cortez Coffee and yummy Cacao Chocolates (first come first served). Between August 24th~September 28th you’ll enjoy a one of a kind experience full of stimulating, and eclectic Pop Art. Our Artist are ready for your question’s and to help strategize your visions for your special gift giving ideas. Contact for the Event is the Artist Roger Merritt who received his Masters of Fine Arts Degree in Art/Art Education from the prestigious New York University and after graduating, Merritt became one of the Soho Pioneers in the 1970’s. While living in New York City Merritt was greatly influenced by his neighbor Chuck Close, as well as many other famous New York Artist with whom he had friendships including: Don Eddy, John Bader, Andy Warhol, James Rosenquist, Robert Rausherberg and Charles Ross. Save the dates and bring your family, tell your friends about this exciting innovational experience