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Cravens: Let's get competence, integrity back in federal government


I would like to respond to the letter from Jean Goncalves of Sun City West, in which she writes about the differences between the Democratic and Republican Party platforms for this year and cites them as a reason to vote Republican.

May I point out that the first difference is the fact that this year the Republican Party did not even respect their voters enough to put out a platform at all?

Instead, the Republican Party has simply pledged their undying fealty to the king, ooops, I mean the president. The exact wording is “the Republican Party has and will continue to enthusiastically support the president’s America-first agenda” (https://prod-cdn-static.gop.com/docs/Resolution_Platform_2020.pdf).

I can’t recall any administration with the sheer number of felony convictions and prison sentences as this one, and we’re still on the first term (hopefully the only term!). Is that what “America-first” means to this crowd?

The current Republican Party is not a “party,” it is a cult.

This president has replaced all of the “adults” in his administration with boot-lickers and yes-men, there is nobody left to tell the “emperor” that he has no clothes. And it’s not a pretty sight. The clear choice is a vote for Joe Biden, and let’s get the competence and integrity back in our federal government. Do it for your children and grandchildren.

Editor’s note: Gregory Cravens is a Peoria resident.