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Thomasson: Thank you for your votes


Last week’s river of green voting envelopes streaming into town hall and inserted into drop boxes showed once again how much you care about our town and state.

Thanks to each of you who voted and continue to care so much about the town. You chose a mayor and council who passionately share your values of keeping our town unique. And special thanks to each of you who supported me with encouragement, a yard sign, or a vote.

Receiving over 32% of the votes cast, I’m humbled and even more energized to work for you. You told me that public safety and keeping our 1-acre single-family, residential lifestyle are the most important issues and I heard you.

Congratulations to Mayor Jerry Bien-Willner and Councilmember Ellen Andeen for your reelection. And special congratulations to Councilmember-elect Christine LaBelle earning a seat on council. I remember being that new councilmember four years ago and I am eager to work with her and the entire council starting in January as we all work toward our common goals.

Meanwhile, I’m excited to get back to town hall when Council reconvenes in a few weeks. We have a busy fall agenda, and I look forward to working with staff and collaborating with all my colleagues to conduct our business.

Once again — thank you. I moved here almost 30 years ago for the beautiful views and, in continuing to walk the town and serve you, I’ve learned that your passion and commitment to our community are indeed the best parts of living here. You inspire me. Please let me know what you think or how I can help. athomasson@paradisevalleyaz.gov.