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Rogers: Parties and the political process


Given the widely divergent philosophical underpinnings of the two major political parties, one of which I am a registered member and to whose distinctive values I, for the most part, subscribe, I’m not fond of the idea of non-followers or opponents of these values, in possibly calculating and mischievous ways, having the ability to distort or defeat the will of people of my ilk about who should run under my party’s banner.

If an Arizonan cares about the state’s political processes, they should get involved, find a political home that suits their ideological bent, and if neither of the two parties suits their fancy, then, as has been done in the past, start a new party. If one doesn’t care about who gets on the General Election ballot – why or how – then remain a so-called undecided or Independent voter.

Upset once upon a time with leaders of my party, I changed my political registration to “Independent,” but quickly realized that by doing so, I forfeited my ability to have a say in the choices being made in any political party. One might argue that Independents, by definition, don’t care about and don’t deserve to have a voice in the affairs of political parties with which they are not affiliated.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.