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Paradise Valley residents are giving back in a variety of ways


Once again, Jay Ross complains that Town of Paradise Valley isn’t doing its part to help those in need in the Phoenix metro.

His previous letter showed a lack of understanding of where the town borders are. The most recent letter shows a lack of understanding of the budgeting process for our small municipality. Hint, much of the budget comes from resorts, not residents.

He continues with a calculation that the per resident contribution to help homelessness is only $20. He casts our community in a poor light when residents like me support many charities, churches, synagogues and worthy organizations in our immediate community and the greater Phoenix area. Good works include helping homelessness, food insecurity and pet shelters.

Residents are very aware of need and choose how and where to donate.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.

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