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Cochill: Angered by ‘LGBTQ members ready for change’ article


I was compelled to write in regards to the article you published last week in your paper.

As a mother of three with one son that is gay I was really disgusted and angered by the article from Gabriella Herran-Romero.

The article had a title that was in large black letters so as to show it’s importance. Ms. Herran Romero begins by talking about gay marriage, the fear of the 2020 election, and the Supreme Court Justice Amy Cony Barret. She quotes Grant Thornburg, a gay white man, of “The treatment they have received over the last four years” but gives absolutely no examples of what that treatment is referring to.

Maybe they were denied getting into college, denied a home to rent or buy, denied a job based on their skills, denied entry to shop where they chose or go or to a movie theatre. Maybe it was an airport they could not gain access to or a car they chose to buy but we’re denied.

Maybe they could not enter a restaurant, or a hair salon. These claims of change are what exactly? She speaks about marriage. Well that seems to be something she is not interested in, but feels that the Supreme Court will get a case to rule on that addresses gay marriage.

Now, I do not remember President Trump or his administration ever commenting about that in these past four years or even threatening to have that as a goal for the administration.

Mr. Grant Thornburg was shocked about how quickly Ms. Barret was confirmed. Did he not pay attention in American Government classes (assuming it was taught) how this works? Obama was president and was elected with a Senate and House majority.

If Justice Ginsburg had retired at that time Obama would have selected a candidate to replace her. With a Senate majority his choice would have been confirmed and would most definitely have been left leaning. But, Justice Ginsburg chose not to do that and played her hand...she lost her life and that came during Donald Trump’s presidency and a Republican Senate majority.

Thus Amy Cony Barret got confirmed. This is how it works, but the left only wants it to work when they are choosing the candidate. When justice Garland was prevented from being considered before the 2016 election it was because the Senate was controlled by the Republicans. If the exact same thing would have happened in 2015 before the election and the Democrats were the majority in the Senate you better believe that they would have done exactly the same thing with their choice and pushed them through before the election.

My gay son went to a college of his choice, has a very high paying job he chose, has a partner of 20 years with a large historic home they own. They travel extensively, have never been denied anything based on the fact they are gay.

Enough of this — in a time when this country is so divided and full of hate, a time of COVID and businesses closing, people not knowing what the future holds for any of us — the self serving complaints need to be re-examined.

The demonization of the Trump presidency is perpetuated by the very people that claim to be judged unfairly. The comments made about Amy Cony Barret shows that the gay community is complicit in the very thing they claim is done to them.... they judge her by her faith and party affiliation and do not even consider her to have an independent mind of her own and will enforce the constitution and law as she has sworn to do.

The gay community needs to turn that pointing finger right around to themselves.

As an aside...I know first hand about hate and restrictions as being a Jew has subjected me to the worst of humanity....but also the very best.

I am proud to be an American and part of this wonderful county of opportunity that allows everyone to succeed no matter what they claim to be.

There will always be the haters, but only you can chose to be a victim or not.

Editor’s Note: Bonnie Cochill is a Paradise Valley resident.