As many of us take down our holiday lights, we probably don't think about the blinking red and green with us all year: our traffic signals. During my Public Works ridealong with traffic signal technician (and very jovial Irishman), Andy Farrell, I learned our Paradise Valley Public Works department manages 13 signalized intersections in town.
To keep them functioning smoothly, we partner with our vendor, Power Tech, to install, program and help maintain the signals. Next time you're stopped at a light, glance to the side and notice the electrical cabinet. The inside looks like the deck of the Starship Enterprise with electronics, displays and various monitoring components. Each month Andy, a certified International Municipal Signal Association technician, checks each component, all functionality and literally every single LED lamp.
Outside the box is a small, locked access panel allowing police to reach the “pickle switch” so they can manually operate the signals for emergency traffic management. Police and fire vehicles also have controls to preempt the traffic signals as they rush to emergencies.
As with everything in town, managing our traffic signals requires coordination. The town engineer reviews traffic patterns and volumes, street design and guidelines to set the timing for each intersection. Our police department provides feedback from traffic incidents, and Public Works manages and maintains the signals. If you think a signal is malfunctioning, call Public Works at 480-348-3589 and let them know.
Pop quiz: How many individual LED traffic lamps hang in the Lincoln and Tatum intersection? Email me at
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