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There isn’t enough water in the Valley to make housing affordable, growth sustainable


In reply to Jon Riches’ recent Opinion — Gov. Hobbs’ illegal power grab is exacerbating Arizona’s housing crisis — I disagree with his scare tactic of saying Gov. Hobbs has acted irresponsibly by stiffening the requirement to show that ample water would be available for proposed “affordable” housing in the Valley.

First, the criteria for proving a certificate of 100 years supply of water is valid or accurate should be closely scrutinized. There is no way the projected growth for the Valley is sustainable, based on future availability of water.

Secondly, the homes and condos being built right now are far from affordable to the young and the general public. The traffic here in the Southeast Valley is horrific already. Ask any longtime resident in Queen Creek how many more building projects and vehicles they would like to see in the future.

Many towns in Montana, Wyoming and Colorado have limits on growth to protect their communities and precious resources.

The Phoenix valley cannot afford to continue on the current growth path without facing a drought-related exodus of people and abandoned ghost towns in coming years.

Reader reactions, pro or con, are welcomed at AzOpinions@iniusa.org.

water, affordable housing, growth, sustainable

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