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Bein: Justice for all; but what about for the unborn?


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of American and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.

Under God: 1, Religions, once one dies, that is the end, or one must come back to life and try again; 2, Body dies, but there is a soul, all will go to a happy place or there is also a place to pain and suffering; 3, To avoid that according to many, you be good and kind to earn it; 4, It is impossible for man to be good before God, so, in love to the world He send His Son Jesus to pay our price.

With liberty and justice for all. We had to fight the Civil War to eliminate slavery. But when it comes to justice for all, you and I want it, but what about the baby newborn or the baby inside her mother because she messed around with someone not her husband. Is there justice for them?