Johnson-Bodine: Council member Clark continues pattern of disrespect
Letter to the Editor
By Helena Johnson-Bodine
Does absolute power corrupt? Absolutely!
I am an engaged resident of Glendale. I served on the water services Sierra Verde well project art panel , the 2023 citizen bond election committee and I am now serving a second term on the parks and recreations commission as vice chair.
It is an honor and privilege to serve the city of Glendale. Like the role of mayor and council, taking the oath to support the Constitution of the United States and the state of Arizona is also a requirement of all residents who are appointed to city boards and commissions — to “faithfully and impartially” discharge the duties of their office.
While serving on the bond election committee last year, I was concerned about the committee members not receiving all the necessary information to make informed recommendations to the council. I took this concern to the podium at the Sept. 12 council meeting and described my experience and observations of the bond committee meetings.
On Sept. 27, I attended an event held for Mayor Weiers and council members Ray Malnar and Ian Hugh. Council member Joyce Clark, the vice mayor in 2023, also attended this event. I approached her to make an introduction to a resident hoping to speak to her. After I said hello, the Vice Mayor abruptly raised her voice in anger and asked me why I was there and told me I was unwelcome.
I asked if she was angry because of my public comments regarding the bond committee. She answered yes and loudly told me I should have kept my mouth shut and made false accusations about me in front of this resident and others in attendance.
On Oct. 10, I spoke in front of the council, telling them about the inappropriate public display of anger and censorship. As a hard working tax payer, I should not be subjected to retaliation for my public comments. I did not reveal Vice Mayor Clark’s name to spare her embarrassment. Instead, I extended an invitation to an unnamed council member “to sit down with me civilly to discuss any differences we may have” and stated that my contact information can be found on the comment card I filled out. She declined my invitation.
After not hearing from Clark, I returned to the podium on Oct. 24 and revealed her name. Upon adjournment, Mayor Weiers approached my husband and I and excused her behavior saying, “old people tend to lose their filter.” I did not accept that excuse then and I do not accept it now.
In the next few months, I attended city events, council meetings and workshops where I was easily accessible to Clark. However, she continued to avoid me. I made one last podium visit on Jan. 23 and called out the Mayor’s excuse as unacceptable. Now Mayor Weiers ignores me in public settings. Weiers and Clark continue business as usual as if this never happened.
When I took my oath of office, I swore to uphold the Constitution, including and especially the First Amendment, which protects the freedom that I have to make these public comments. I refuse to be intimidated by the mayor or any council member. As I stated previously, the mayor and council are “elected to serve and not to rule.”
Per my October comments, “Vice Mayor Clark, you do not only owe me a public apology, you owe an apology to the city of Glendale.”
Helena Johnson-Bodine is a Glendale resident and Arrowhead Ranch Phase II HOA president.