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Guzman: Councilwoman elect thanks campaign manager Diggs


As the newly elected Councilmember for the Yucca District, I would like to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation and admiration for my campaign manager, Darius Diggs.

At just 21 years old, Darius has already demonstrated a level of professionalism and dedication that is truly remarkable.

From a young age, Darius has shown an impressive commitment to public service and civic engagement. He began volunteering with the Arizona Attorney General’s Office and the FDA at just 15 years old.

By 16, he was participating in a civic education program in Washington, D.C., gaining invaluable experience and insight into the workings of our government.

At 19, Darius served as a field director on a statewide campaign, and at 20, he was already a legislative assistant to the majority leader of the Arizona Senate. His career trajectory continued to rise as he worked with a public affairs firm and currently serves as a regional director with a nonprofit grassroots organization.

What is even more impressive is that Darius accomplished all this while pursuing his academic goals, recently graduating with a bachelor's degree in political science from Arizona State University, just two months before my election.

Additionally, he serves on the Executive Board of Legislative District 24 and a West Valley young political advocacy group, demonstrating his deep commitment to political advocacy and community engagement.

Darius's outstanding work ethic and strategic acumen were instrumental in propelling my campaign to victory in the Yucca District. His dedication, passion, and skill have been an inspiration to me and to all who have had the pleasure of working with him.

I am deeply grateful for his contributions and proud to have had him by my side throughout the campaign.

I am confident that Darius’s future is exceptionally bright, and I am excited to see him continue to make a positive impact in our community and beyond. It is only a matter of time before he too steps into an elected office, where I am certain he will continue to lead with integrity and vision.

I write this also to give hope and encouragement to the youth in our communities. You are never to young to make a difference. Thanks again Darius, as I believe you are probably one of the youngest campaign managers to win an election in Arizona. You did a fantastic job.