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Haven’t set health goals for 2025 yet? Here are 5 simple resolutions older Arizonans can make now


A new year brings new resolutions that can lead to improvements in daily habits as well as health benefits for many older Americans.

According to a 2020 study, older adults who engaged in healthy lifestyle choices such as physical activity, not smoking, not drinking heavily, following a healthy diet and taking part in mentally stimulating activities, had a 60% lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

For people who are already suffering from chronic conditions, setting simple and realistic goals that are manageable with their health challenges is important. If you haven’t yet made any changes or set goals for 2025, here are five achievable things to consider now:

1. Pursue an active lifestyle

Staying active is an admirable goal to have every year. Adults can engage in activities at home including aerobic activity, resistance training, yoga and walks around their neighborhood. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, regular physical activity is vital for healthy aging.

Talk with your doctor before significantly increasing your activity level. This is especially important for those with underlying medical conditions. Ask about the amounts and types of activities that may be best for you.

2. Eat healthy

Prioritizing healthy eating and healthful snacks is a great place to start. Potential benefits of eating healthy include living a longer life, stronger bones, enhanced immunity and lower risk of certain diseases.

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, steps to improve your diet include increasing fiber, calcium, vitamin D and potassium intake, while limiting the amount of sugar, saturated fat and sodium consumed.

If you have allergies or conditions that require a special diet, talk to your doctor about your meal plan.

3. Challenge your brain and stimulate your mind

It is important to practice a form of daily brain stimulation as age can cause changes to brain size, vasculature and cognition, according to the National Institute of Aging. A healthy life, both physically and mentally, may be one of the best defenses against the changes of an aging brain.

Completing crossword puzzles or playing games such as chess can be fun ways to keep your mind active while enjoying a new hobby.

Talk to your doctor if you are worried about changes in your memory and thinking. They can help determine if those changes are normal or something more serious.

4. Stay connected with friends and family

Time spent with family and friends can be very beneficial. According to the CDC, there are different ways to create new and stronger relationships to improve well-being and health, including getting involved in the community, taking time to reach out to loved ones and expressing gratitude to others.

Even a virtual visit when it’s not possible to get together face-to-face is better than no visit at all.

5. Schedule a visit with your doctor

While New Year’s resolutions such as watching what we eat or starting a fitness routine are common to many, prioritizing and scheduling a wellness visit with a primary care physician also is an important first step.

Getting routine preventive care, through visits that are separate from visits due to sickness, injury or routine care for ongoing medical conditions can help you stay well and catch problems earlier, helping you live a healthier and longer life. 

Editor’s note: Dr. Leo Odle is a primary care physician with Optum – Arizona, based in Gilbert. Please send your comments to AzOpinions@iniusa.org. We are committed to publishing a wide variety of reader opinions, as long as they meet our Civility Guidelines.

health, 2025 goals, resolutions, healthy lifestyle, fitness, wellness

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