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Chandler SpeakUp: Taproom closes, voter registration, abortion, construction


Here are some recent online comments about Chandler Independent items:

“Mexican taproom closes in downtown Chandler”:

“No big surprise. Downtown Chandler has way too many issues for success..” — David Agliano via story comment

“Chandler High students help with voter registration”:

“Each of you young guys make me hopeful about America’s future. Thank you so much.” — Rebecca Holloway via story comment

“Winters: I’m running because our community deserves respect”:

“Oh, my. You support access to abortions. Good thing AZ has access to it already then. And everyone who can legally vote can vote. She’s running on fake issues, which tells me how fake she is.” — Andrea Patterson via story comment

“Walmart opens pet services in Chandler Supercenter”:

“Look how they treat customers. They will treat your pet the same way.” — MeoMiyo via story comment

“Opinion: School districts shouldn’t provide psych or mental health care”:

“What a moron. Where else do the kids spend the majority of their time?” — Lynne via story comment

“Chandler district cuts ribbon on rebuilt elementary school”:
“Awesome!” — Edythe Anderson via story comment

“Wild Horse Pass area: more I-10 roadwork Wednesday (Nov. 6) night”:

“All the money stays in Phoenix while our highways are ruining our cars. At intersections, you cannot drive faster than 10 mph.” — Gisela H. via story comment

Got a comment on a story you’ve recently seen? Email us at azopinions@iniusa.org with the name of the story and a one or two line comment.

Opinion, SpeakUp, Chandler, elections, 2024 elections, taproom, voter registration, I-10, Wild Horse Pass, roadwork, abortions, Walmart Supercenter, pet services, Galveston Elementary