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Puntney: Misinformation in December 2019 issue


I picked up your paper this morning and the article on the front page "2020 Census: What is it good for in AJ?" contains wrong information in the first paragraph.

Richard Dyer incorrectly states "Funding of federal and state programs are determined by the number of citizens in each community."

He then quotes Councilman Jeff Struble stating "the money that is meant for our community to serve the needs of our citizens."

Citizenship has nothing to do with the census. The census is to count people, not citizens.

By putting this information out there, you are telling non-citizens they don't count and shouldn't answer the census. This hurts no one but the people of Arizona and Apache Junction.

If non-citizen residents of Apache Junction don't fill out the census information you are cheating the whole town and state out of money they would have received for all kinds of programs and needs.

We have enough fools putting out false information these days and don't need any more.

If you cannot report accurate information in your paper, then you shouldn't be reporting anything. Just my opinion.

Linda Puntney
Gold Canyon