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Harvey: Vote "no" on propositions 432 and 433


If your read the papers you will notice all of the groups and businesses that support this tax increase on all of us.

AJI popped out at me as the mayor owns this business. But his business is in Maricopa County. Actually his business was on the west side of Meridian and Apache Trail, which is in Maricopa County. Then he moved it further west but he supports us to pay more in taxes.

Let us not forget too that Dr. Anderson, like Wilson before her --- as with the present principal of Apache Junction High School and all of his predecessors --- live outside of our AJUSD tax area.

These people have nothing to lose but they will burden us local taxpayers with another 30-year tax increase. Bet most of you did not realize that this tax increase was for so long? Vote "no" on propositions 432 and 433.

Francis Harvey
Queen Valley area